Sunday 21 September 2008

My Week In Lists: Week Ending 21st September

Top 5 Things I'm Going To Miss Whilst at Uni [A Very Sappy MWIL]
  1. The Friends who are not here. I mean, this is obvious, but it will be rubbish being so far from Cai and Hannah and Hannah and Lizzie and Francis and so on.
  2. Rockaboom, The Milkshake Shop Who's Name I Shall Not Type and The Phoenix in Leicester. A good little indie record store, a great violently-pink milkshake place and a filthy little arts cinema. I salute you all.
  3. Silence. Uppingham is a quiet, quiet town and just sometimes that was a good thing. Plus, y'know, you could walk around my neighbourhood at 3am with no fear of anything at all bad happening.
  4. The Family and The Dog. I may complain about them but they are ok kids, y'know. It will be very odd not having them around. I guess everyone has to adjust to this. Also the swing seat in the back garden.
  5. My Charlie Brown and Snoopy mural. I'll have to get used to going to sleep without them [and my awesome but too-big Woody Allen's Manhattan poster] watching over me. Uh. Playing baseball. Over me.
O'course it's kinda early on to know what I'm really missing but I'd say those five will be up there.

Next time: Less of this nonsense, more about THE EXCITING REALITY OF MOVING AWAY FROM HOME TO DO LEARNING. Have a good week, internet!


Georgia said...


Anonymous said...

Why won't you type its name?
I would, if I could remember it. I never went to that milkshake shop you know. Everyone told me to, but I really really fucking hate milkshake, so I didn't.
And Miles, if I can fall asleep on the night bus to Hackney at 4am, you can walk through Birmingham! You will be fine.
But I do sympathise with missing CB&S. I am missing my wall of random half-finished painted-in things.
Don't bother missing your family, there is no point. They probably will forget about you within the hour. Do the same to them! I can understand the dog, though. I miss GB's cat more than anyone else in Leicester.
And next time I want to know what happened on Sunday at EOTR! You totally interrupted that story with this post. It ruined the flow completely. I will forgive you just this once, because going to uni is of course exciting and whatever, but it has been a week now. You only have so much leeway.
You know I love you really though! xx