Top 5 Things I'm Going To Miss Whilst at Uni [A Very Sappy MWIL]
- The Friends who are not here. I mean, this is obvious, but it will be rubbish being so far from Cai and Hannah and Hannah and Lizzie and Francis and so on.
- Rockaboom, The Milkshake Shop Who's Name I Shall Not Type and The Phoenix in Leicester. A good little indie record store, a great violently-pink milkshake place and a filthy little arts cinema. I salute you all.
- Silence. Uppingham is a quiet, quiet town and just sometimes that was a good thing. Plus, y'know, you could walk around my neighbourhood at 3am with no fear of anything at all bad happening.
- The Family and The Dog. I may complain about them but they are ok kids, y'know. It will be very odd not having them around. I guess everyone has to adjust to this. Also the swing seat in the back garden.
- My Charlie Brown and Snoopy mural. I'll have to get used to going to sleep without them [and my awesome but too-big Woody Allen's Manhattan poster] watching over me. Uh. Playing baseball. Over me.
O'course it's kinda early on to know what I'm really missing but I'd say those five will be up there.
Next time: Less of this nonsense, more about THE EXCITING REALITY OF MOVING AWAY FROM HOME TO DO LEARNING. Have a good week, internet!